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Easter Panto 2024

Diane Bradbury Theatre Dance School

I/we hereby give permission for my/our child, named below, to be photographed and filmed by Anton Benson Productions and for said photos/video to be used by the company for the purposes of advertising or promotion. This is in regards to the two performances of Robin Hood Easter Panto at the Winding Wheel Theatre on Wednesday 3rd April 2024.

By signing below, I/we state that I/we have read, understood and agree to the above statement.  

Contract Agreement

Please complete the information below to agree to the terms and conditions above.

Chesterfield Studios Limited
Eastwood Buildings, Rose Hill,
Chesterfield S40 1LW

Chesterfield Studios Limited is a non-profit making organisation.
Company limited by guarantee with no share capital, registered in England and Wales. 
Company Reg No.: 6766411. Vat Reg No.: 156 8642 77. 
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