Dance Show 2025
In addition to the standard terms and conditions of membership, all dancers cast must:
1. Attend all scheduled studio rehearsals, unless pre-arranged and approved with the Dance School.
2. Follow all rules and regulations outlined by the Chesterfield Theatres, and production staff, including rules pertaining to behaviour before, during, and after shows backstage, in dressing rooms, and front of house of the theatre.
3. Maintain professional and courteous demeanour with all students, staff, and faculty throughout the show experience.
4. Attend Dress Rehearsal. There are no excused absences for this. **Punctuality and full attendance are mandatory, and discretions will adversely affect the performer and other students.** Dates for technical dress rehearsal are outlined below. Spacing rehearsals will be scheduled during normally scheduled rehearsal periods.
5. A non-refundable deposit must be paid to secure your place and take part. Further payments are detailed below and must be paid in full to be able to perform.
Costume Check and Photo Day:
Sunday 27th April 2025 – Chesterfield Studios - Times to be confirmed
Rehearsal Dates, Times and Location:
Saturday 3rd May 2025 – Chesterfield Studios - 10.30am-2.30pm
Saturday 10th May 2025 – Chesterfield Studios - 10.30am-2.30pm
Saturday 17th May 2025 – Chesterfield Studios - 10.30am-2.30pm
Dress/Technical Rehearsal Date, Times and Location (Subject to Contract):
Monday 19th May 2025 - Winding Wheel Theatre - Times TBC
Performance Dates, Times and Location (Subject to Contract):
Tuesday 20th May 2025
Wednesday 21st May 2025 - Winding Wheel Theatre. Times TBC
Thursday 22nd May 2025
Deposit and Payment Dates:
Saturday Plus Weekday - Costumes will cost a total of £340.00
£68.00 by Saturday 16th November 2024 - Non-refundable Deposit
£68.00 by Saturday 14th December 2024
£68.00 by Saturday 25th January 2025
£68.00 by Saturday 22nd February 2025
£68.00 by Saturday 22nd March 2025 – Balance Finalised
Method of payment:
Payments can be made using a debit/credit card in person at Chesterfield Studios
or via a Bank Transfer.
Account Name: Chesterfield Studios Ltd
Account No: 06847366
Sort Code: 09-01-50
Ref: Please write SHOW followed by your child’s name
By signing below, I state that I have read, understood and agree to all policies relating to performing in the above show.